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Post subject: Sura 1 - Comments and Feedback Reply with quote  

Hello All

I have done the video above to get the feel of how long it is going to take me, as well get some feedback

I already started on sura 2 and finished the first 7 verses, I will have a max of 20 verse per movie to keep it under 1 MB, my problem is going to be the big verse like 2:282 for example, the arabic text alone needs more than the max screen size of the flash movie, yet I need room for the english text and the notes if there is any,

any suggestions to tackle this problem?


*Edit: I have removed the video as i have to edit it to make the same as the second video regarding thr removal of the navigation bar at the bottom


Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Fri 05 Oct, 2007 11:40 pm; edited 3 times in total
Post Posted:
Thu 24 May, 2007 11:38 pm
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# i am impressed by ur sincerity, bud! (-:

## anyway...i think 1 mb for 20 verses is still a li'l too much bandwidth...and like u said, there is the problem of some marathonic verses! :-S

...the video looks good, but i would rather go for plain text or html...u could make an html (or whatever is used) page look exactly like the video looks, and it will be a lot easier on the b/w, too....also it will solve the problem of long verses!

# also, i don't think there is a need to repeat the notes for every verses...and when u are translating rahman with a single word (compassionate; in the notes)...i don't see why not put it in the trans itself! on the other hand if u think compassionate is an inadequate translation, and that is the reason u are keepin' rahman untranslated, then u might as well make a mention of this in the notes! (-:

## comin' back to the trans...i am looking at "debit (deen)" and "who go astray (dalleen)"

# take care, budz...salam! (-:
Post Posted:
Fri 25 May, 2007 9:39 pm
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The wrote:
# i am impressed by ur sincerity, bud! (-:

Thanks bro, I'm really doing it hoping Allah will acceot it as a good deed to waive many of my sins

The wrote:
## anyway...i think 1 mb for 20 verses is still a li'l too much bandwidth...

Actually I finished the first 20 verses of sura 2, it is 1.2 MB, so the max size is going to be that much, I really think that this is a reasonable size, especially it is all about studying the Quran not something people are going to do it in a hurry, so it will be ok for them to wait a few minutes until it downloads, dont forget that the sound and easy navigation is part of the package and this has to come at a price, however the html module will there also as well the translation will be posted and pinned on the forums, so it is going to be every where, I will also try to get the Azhar approval when finished inshaallah (i dont know yet what is ebvlived but this is too early, I still have three years the least)

The wrote:
and like u said, there is the problem of some marathonic verses! :-S

I may get around that with some inventive ideas in flash as well I can decrease the font with such verses, I will see and let you all know, I'm taking sura 2 as the best example due to its length so by the end of it we should know what we will be facing

The wrote:
...the video looks good,

Actually I implemented Life feedback which is to show all 20 numbers at the bottom and get rid of the scroll bar, it looks even better and easier to use, you shoud see it soon when I post the first 20 verses of sura 2

The wrote:
but i would rather go for plain text or html...u could make an html (or whatever is used) page look exactly like the video looks, and it will be a lot easier on the b/w, too....also it will solve the problem of long verses!

Actually I'm not an html coder, I can write in php now but very slow, however I'm planning to use the Quran module that we already have, as we confirm each sura, I will replace the english translation I have in the DB with our translation and this should be cool of course so we have search features as well as the existing module allow us to do, we should see this working after you and others (if they wish) confirm sura 1 for me

The wrote:
# also, i don't think there is a need to repeat the notes for every verses...

It is a valid point however my aim is simply that the readers may deal with verse by verse basis so they should have the notes there to make it easier for them and not leave it to their memory, it all adds up to far more work for me btw but I'm happy with that, I will commit three years at least for this project until finished inshaallah

The wrote:
and when u are translating rahman with a single word (compassionate; in the notes)...i don't see why not put it in the trans itself! on the other hand if u think compassionate is an inadequate translation, and that is the reason u are keepin' rahman untranslated, then u might as well make a mention of this in the notes! (-:

My reasons are simply as follow:

1) I dont believe that the names describing Allah should be translated, however I believe that the non Arabic speakers should know what those names mean in Arabic

2) I want the readers to learn how to pronounce it in Arabic so they can call Allah using His beautiful names as the Quran told us to do, so I desire the non Arabic speakers to learn how to pronounce it in Arabic and at the same time dont miss in what they mean in Arabic

The tranlsation must be more than a translation we have to educate the non Arabic speakers so they dont fall preys to the deceivers on many sites like FFI and FM, so FI translation is not going to be a typical translation rather a translation and a refute to the manipulations by many deceivers who only are on the lookout to gather young crowd around them preying on the language ignorance by the non Arabic speakers

The wrote:
## comin' back to the trans...i am looking at "debit (deen)" and "who go astray (dalleen)"

Yes please, also can you look at "Muttaqeen" please

Thanks mate

The wrote:
# take care, budz...salam! (-:



Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Wed 06 May, 2009 11:46 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Posted:
Fri 25 May, 2007 10:36 pm
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The wrote:
and that is the reason u are keepin' rahman untranslated, then u might as well make a mention of this in the notes! (-:

Salam bro

I explained my reaosns above, can you please suggest to me what I should say to make that point clear?, I actually have no problem regarding the meaning of those words as expressed in English, however I stress that I want the reader to know it both, i.e. know how to read it in Arabic as well know the expressed English meaning for it, that is my main reason to be honest, there will be other names that I'm sure will be hard to translate and will just give the wrong impression to the non Arabic readers about Allah, of course when we reach those ones we must provide a detailed note to the reader

The wrote:
## comin' back to the trans...i am looking at "debit (deen)" and "who go astray (dalleen)"

Yeh mate, please as we have three days now to confirm, I found the word debit is the most suited to be honest because on that day we all will be in debit to Allah (Din) and we must pay our dues to the sole Owner on that day, that is why in Arabic it is "Malik Yawm Al Din", i.e. He owns that day, I just could not take it as the word Din is Deen, i..e. religion, however if the word Deen (religion) can metaphorically be taken as such so I though putting it as the Master of the Day of Judgment as the others did is not really what the Arabic words says, in all the reader should learn that the Arabic word Din or Deen has multiple meaning, eaither a religion or debit, and as I explaned the religion name Deen can be metaphorcially undersood as it is nothing but debit to our God who created us

Regarding Dalleen, I guess we can also use misguided, what do you think?

Post Posted:
Sat 26 May, 2007 3:05 pm
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ahmedbahagt wrote:
I explained my reaosns above, can you please suggest to me what I should say to make that point clear?, I actually have no problem regarding the meaning of those words as expressed in English, however I stress that I want the reader to know it both, i.e. know how to read it in Arabic as well know the expressed English meaning for it, that is my main reason to be honest, there will be other names that I'm sure will be hard to translate and will just give the wrong impression to the non Arabic readers about Allah, of course when we reach those ones we must provide a detailed note to the reader

# that's exactly what i was saying, bro; when u feel the word cannot be translated well-enough in english, u will have to make a mention about it and provide a detailed note! (-:

Yeh mate, please as we have three days now to confirm, I found the word debit is the most suited to be honest because on that day we all will be in debit to Allah (Din) and we must pay our dues to the sole Owner on that day, that is why in Arabic it is "Malik Yawm Al Din", i.e. He owns that day, I just could not take it as the word Din is Deen, i..e. religion, however if the word Deen (religion) can metaphorically be taken as such so I though putting it as the Master of the Day of Judgment as the others did is not really what the Arabic words says, in all the reader should learn that the Arabic word Din or Deen has multiple meaning, eaither a religion or debit, and as I explaned the religion name Deen can be metaphorcially undersood as it is nothing but debit to our God who created us

# okay, bro..i get what u are saying...

...however, i have got the following occurrences of the word, which v may want to look at:


وما امروا الا ليعبدوا الله مخلصين له الدين حنفاء ويقيموا الصلاة ويؤتوا الزكاة وذلك دين القيمة

Wama omiroo illa liyaAAbudooAllaha mukhliseena lahu alddeena hunafaawayuqeemoo alssalata wayu/too alzzakatawathalika deenu alqayyimati


وله ما في السماوات والارض وله الدين واصبا افغير الله تتقون

Walahu ma fee alssamawatiwaal-ardi walahu alddeenu wasibanafaghayra Allahi tattaqoona


ما تعبدون من دونه الا اسماء سميتموها انتم واباؤكم ما انزل الله بها من سلطان ان الحكم الا لله امر الا تعبدوا الا اياه ذلك الدين القيم ولكن اكثر الناس لا يعلمون

Ma taAAbudoona min doonihi illaasmaan sammaytumooha antum waabaokumma anzala Allahu biha min sultaninini alhukmu illa lillahi amara allataAAbudoo illa iyyahu thalika alddeenualqayyimu walakinna akthara alnnasi layaAAlamoona


فبدا باوعيتهم قبل وعاء اخيه ثم استخرجها من وعاء اخيه كذلك كدنا ليوسف ما كان لياخذ اخاه في دين الملك الا ان يشاء الله نرفع درجات من نشاء وفوق كل ذي علم عليم

Fabadaa bi-awAAiyatihim qabla wiAAa-iakheehi thumma istakhrajaha min wiAAa-i akheehi kathalikakidna liyoosufa ma kana liya/khuthaakhahu fee deeni almaliki illa an yashaa AllahunarfaAAu darajatin man nashao wafawqa kulli theeAAilmin AAaleemun


لكم دينكم ولي دين

Lakum deenukum waliya deeni

...i think 12:76 could be a good match; or maybe 98:5, if v undertsand "din" as devotion, a translation used by yusuf ali for the particular verse and which i agree with!

Regarding Dalleen, I guess we can also use misguided, what do you think?

# well...i think both are acceptable...i guess ur earlier translation suits me fine! (-:

## as for muttaqin,'s a tough one,bud...being on guard (against), being regardful of, preparing for, being fearful....i guess u will have to go with what u find the best!

# the root itself seems to carry as many connotations; of protecting or guarding, fear, regard....

also, the quran talks about "ittaqu allah," "ittaqu the fire", "ittaqu the day when the soul is bereft of any aid," "ittaqu the wombs"...

...prepare, preserve, regard...all seem good options to i said...tough one! (-:

## take care, buddy...salam! (-:
Post Posted:
Sat 26 May, 2007 6:56 pm
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Thanks bro The

Yes mate I agree that the word Deen in all the veres you p;osted means only one thing "Religion", however in "Malik Yawm Al Deen", I fouond it really hard to acceot that it mean as such, that is because the word Yawm before it, Mudaf and Mudaf Ilahi, the two words are tighed together, therefore taking as The day of the religion makes no sense, but taking as the day of the debit makes sense because it means the judgment day, also the Quran used the same word Deen to mean only DEBIT as seen in 4:11-12 (the inhertance verses), what do you say mate?

regarding Muttaqeen, yes you raised a very good point that we are also told to nattaqi Yawm and other things , so taking the word as Fearing Allah only is not accurate, I will see mate what I can do, tough one indeed

Take care

Post Posted:
Sat 26 May, 2007 7:33 pm
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ahmedbahgat wrote:
Yes mate I agree that the word Deen in all the veres you p;osted means only one thing "Religion", however in "Malik Yawm Al Deen", I fouond it really hard to acceot that it mean as such, that is because the word Yawm before it, Mudaf and Mudaf Ilahi, the two words are tighed together, therefore taking as The day of the religion makes no sense, but taking as the day of the debit makes sense because it means the judgment day, also the Quran used the same word Deen to mean only DEBIT as seen in 4:11-12 (the inhertance verses), what do you say mate?

# u think 'deen' in "deenalmalik" (12:76) means 'religion'? is possible..i ll think it over!

..what do u think of 98:5, where v have "...yabudullaha mukhliseena lahuddeena..."? i would go for devotion rather than religion for that verse...

...and that could be an option..."Owner of the day of devotion"....v know that on that day all the false gods and religions will be discarded, and everybody will testify to the one god...on that day devotion will be for god alone!

## coming to 4:11-12...well, the word used in 'dayn'..yes, it is d-y-n..but it ain't 'deen'...i 'll have to think this over!

...i see why u translate it as 'debit'...i get the idea of our owing something and of being in debt, but i think that day will be more like the day of debits and credits..and not just debit alone...well....tuf one again! :-S

regarding Muttaqeen, yes you raised a very good point that we are also told to nattaqi Yawm and other things , so taking the word as Fearing Allah only is not accurate, I will see mate what I can do, tough one indeed

# yups, buddy...and i think v know this won't get any easier as u proceed! : grin :

## take care, bud...salam! (-:
Post Posted:
Sat 26 May, 2007 8:39 pm
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Salam mate

I thinkk I overlooked the verses you posted, of course 12:76 does not mean the religion of the malik, I think it still relates to debit somehow, as if it is the debit they have to pay because he was a thief, I will look at some other Arabic books that I have regarding sura 12 and see how they understood 12:76

What do you think, the day of the judgment is fine?

Take care

Post Posted:
Sat 26 May, 2007 8:53 pm
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ahmedbahgat wrote:
I thinkk I overlooked the verses you posted, of course 12:76 does not mean the religion of the malik,

# well...maybe it can mean religion of the king!

...i the deen of muhammad it is not allowed to steal, right?

...maybe the king had adopted the rulings of his own religion as the laws of the land; after all, even muhammad would seek to implement the rulings of islam as the laws of the land! and it won't be at all surprising if a king of ancient egypt had made the religious decress the laws of the land!

..ofcourse, there could be some other questions...anyway, just a thut! (-:

I think it still relates to debit somehow, as if it is the debit they have to pay because he was a thief, I will look at some other Arabic books that I have regarding sura 12 and see how they understood 12:76

# well...i did think about this...but again, this is talking about theft and not debit..i know they seem to have something in common, but i don't think it is the case! understand this as debit v would have to understand the word as 'rules/laws of debts', and i think neither of us would understand it as such! and v would have to further understand 'debts' as 'payment/recompensation/punishment' that possible? hmm, could be possible..but i do think this would be stretching it a bit!

...moreover, nowhere else in the quran, including the dialogue between the egyptians and the brothers, do v find the word to have anything to do with theft! in 12:74-75, the egyptians and the brothers talk about the "jaza" were the brothers to be proved guilty!

..well...that is the way i look at the moment! (-:

What do you think, the day of the judgment is fine?

# .well, 'judgement' does seem to be the popular choice...hum..what do i say, bud? i guess this comes down to ur own judgement! :-S : grin :

# take care, bud...salam! (-:
Post Posted:
Sat 26 May, 2007 11:57 pm
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