I was reading about the troll LCD's whining, a jerk with massive hatred in his own heart, talking to the moderators in 'report a troll', complaining that another member hijacked his thread.
I also read your simple joke cracked at him and I noticed he lost it all, when he attacked you and called you anti-Semitic and murderous.
The ignoramus does not know or prefers not to know that anti-Semitism originated and spread from the Christian lands in Europe and also showed it's ugly face in America.
I was glad to see some Kafirs coming to your defence and Ixolite gave him a one weak ban.
It is so hilarious that it makes one laugh his/her ass off. lol!
Salaams, mate
Mon 22 Jun, 2009 7:50 pm
BMZ Moderator
Status: Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
Zodiac: Joined: Jun 12, 2007
Posts: 614
Post subject: Ali Sina's letter to President Barack Hussein Obama
Dear all,
I have forwarded this hilarious letter posted by Ali Sina, to the White House and will post the reply, if any, here.
The Turmoil in the Middle East Next Post
Jun 20
My Open Letter to Barack Hussein Obama
Politics Add comments
Mr. Obama,
I am an Iranian and I want to comment on your stance about the situation in Iran. You said you don�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t want to intervene in the affairs of my country. Speaking on behalf of all Iranians we don�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t want you to intervene either. To put it more emphatically we will not allow you or anyone to intervene. Election is an internal matter.
What we expect is moral support. Instead you made it clear that you do not give a hoot about the people and their vote and will do business with anyone who wins the power even if that is through cheating and by force.
You said that both candidates are the same because they both represent the same regime. Sir, if both were the same why would millions of Iranians risk their lives to favor one over the other? You don�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t have to be a seasoned politician to know this. All you need is commonsense and a bit of intelligence.
An unprecedented 85% of Iranians voted because they saw in Mousavi a glimmer of hope. Mousavi is only an excuse. He is a cut from the same cloth, a man coming out of the same nefarious establishment. However, the difference is that he has promised freedom of pen and of speech. That is all that Iranians need to topple the regime. They are looking for a crack in the dam of the Islamic Republic. Once that crack is made the dam can be demolished.
Furthermore, it will be a lot easier for America to negotiate with a moderate pragmatic president in Iran than a loony who thinks he converses with the Hidden Imam. We know you don�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t care about human rights or even human life. Your stance as senator on letting the babies that survive abortion die made this clear. But shouldn�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t you at least care about what benefits America?
When in 9/11, the Muslim terrorists killed nearly 3000 Americans, and while other Islamic nations, particularly your favorite Palestinians, cheered and danced in the streets, the Iranians were the only people in the Middle East that took candles in the streets and shed tears. I bet as American haters at that time you and your wife also were cheering and thinking that �?????�????�???�??�?�¢??American chickens have come home to roost.�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?�?????�????�???�??�?� That too is clear from all the apologies that you have made on behalf of America to all the terrorists of the world.
The Iranians do not want the foreign countries to intervene in their affairs. What they want is recognition that they matter and that the dictators that oppress them will not be recognized as a legitimate government. Instead you made it clear that you don�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t give a damn about the people and that you are prepared to give legitimacy to any thug, as long as he manages to come to power, even fraudulently and by killing the people.
This does not surprise me. You yourself came to power fraudulently.
There are many similarities between you and Ahmadinejad. Both of you have no experience, but have gigantic egos. Both of you have messianic complex. Both of you have never done anything worthy to show forth and yet your campaign slogan was �?????�????�???�??�?�¢??Yes We Can.�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?�?????�????�???�??�?� Both of you are admired by Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega, the leaders of Hamas and every other thug on the planet. Both of you are favored by the gullible people and the less educated folk that unfortunately are in big supply. Both of you are pro Palestine, anti Israel and anti Zionism. But above all, both of you believe in the power of the Big Lie.
Adolf Hitler, in his Mein Kampf defined the Big Lie as so Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¢??colossalÃ??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¢?Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã? that no one would believe that someone Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¢??could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamouslyÃ??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¢?Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?Â.
Taking their lead from Hitler, Ahmadinejad and his gang of thugs thought that if they cheat, just enough to make him the winner by a little margin, it won�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t be believed. But if they make his victory look like a landslide, no one will doubt it.
Your Big Lie is your claim to be eligible for the U.S. presidency.
Today, I am a proud Iranian. My people did not buy Ahmadinejad�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s Big Lie. They are coming to the streets, facing bullets and batons, to stand for the truth. Whereas the Americans sheeple have swallowed your big lie, hook line and sinker and the majority of them are still enamored with you, and despite the fact that you are making them bankrupt they still love you. These people are going to wake up with a rude awakening.
Iran is in a great peril. Things can turn ugly overnight. A Civil war can erupt. With an emasculated America under your incompetent leadership, Russia can move in to bring �?????�????�???�??�?�¢??peace,�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?�?????�????�???�??�?� and never move out. It�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s not just the Iranians who will lose; America will be also a big loser. The world will lose. This is the worse time to have a rooky posing as president of the USA.
The world is in a great peril and the Americans have given the rudder of their country, in the middle of the worst storm, to a pretender who acts and thinks like a juvenile and who has no more grasp of reality than a teenager. It is so pathetic to see people call you �?????�????�???�??�?�¢??Mr. President,�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?�?????�????�???�??�?� when in reality you are obly a sad joke.
No Mr. Obama, you don�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t know what you are doing. You lied. The truth is that YOU CAN�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??T, and it shows.
Written by Ali Sina
Please stay tuned.
Mon 22 Jun, 2009 8:35 pm
BMZ Moderator
Status: Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
Zodiac: Joined: Jun 12, 2007
Posts: 614
Dear all,
Here is the reply to Ali Sina's email addressed to President Obama. The reply was sent by the President's barber, which is self-explanatory and is appended below for everyone's reading pleasure.
The barber has assured me that the reply can be posted on any website, freely.
Dear Mr. Ali Sina,
I have been asked to respond to your email as no one has time to read junk mails at the White House.
I have found out that you have left Iran and you are now a Canadian. You should be proud of being a Canadian instead of calling yourself an Iranian. You, therefore, cannot speak on behalf of Iranians and you are not entitled to do so.
The President and I agree that the Election in Iran is an internal matter and only the Iranians should handle the issue through their legal process. Iranians are very smart and they know how to handle problems and situations.
You can see how well Iran is handling her military, missile and nuclear development and has not given any chance to our Admin and others in EU to go in.
Democracy was also achieved through the same process in our country and the few notable EU members. Out of chaos, comes order and we have been through that but we did not abandon our country and never ran away, like your goodself did. If you were a true and sincere Iranian, you would have stayed in your country. You should have stood up for the rights of the people, including yours.
We do legitimate business with legitimate folks, who are in charge of a country. We deal with real folks but we do not listen to and deal with fictitious cyber characters, wearing Burqas, hiding behind veils and sitting in closets. We have expressed our concern and told Iran that the world (EU and us) is watching. The people of Iran do have our best wishes and moral support for their success and progress.
We believe that ordinary folks like your goodself do not have any common sense and lack intelligence. Last time, our Admin listened to the Iraqis in our country and the EU, we were misled and all information provided was wrong. We went in to change a regime under the excuse and pretext of WMD and ended up in a mess. This has taught us a lesson that we should not believe in what any ex-of-anything says.
Both candidates are the same because they both represent their people. We have to recognise any who is officially declared In-Charge.
There is nothing that you and us can do. Of course, you reserve your right to sit and whine but you are not really there on the ground.
Yes, we know they are a cut from the same cloth and so are you. We are stuck up in Afghanistan, we have had it enough in Iraq and other countries under our previous administrations. Our President has travelled a lot before becoming President. He has been on ground in his young days and is aware of what is going on in the world.
That is why he gave the most vital speech in Egypt, addressed to the entire Muslim world, which was ignored by the past US regimes.
Iranians are very smart people. They love their country and cannot be bought. It was easy to buy the Afghan and the Iraqi forces. This Admin does not believe in toppling governments. We remember well, when our past Admin toppled the government of Mussaddeq on the request of the Brits and destroyed the democracy which was established. We listened to them and we ended up with loss of goodwill of people of Iran. We would like to see a strong dam and we are not into destroying dams and bridges. And we are also no more in the business of introducing cracks.
America's benefit is close to the heart of our President and that is why the majority of the Americans elected him. They did not believe in the foolish propaganda carried out by whiners writing from closets. We believe you do not want to see a strong Iran but you want to see it destroyed. We don't want that.
Regarding your whining about 911, Iran and other Muslim countries had nothing to do with it. Our past president and the military did not do a good job, when they rained Cruise missiles aimlessly and Bin Laden and his men managed to escape. 911 was his revenge and his doing. You may stop whining about that because we are moving forward.
We have made apologies to the Muslims. We do not consider Muslims terrorists. The terrorists happen to belong to Islam. We see a great potential, desire and eagerness in you to become a terrorist against Islam and the Muslims. We will not permit that and we do not consider runways as sincere to their nation, which they have abandoned.
We gave legitimacy to one thug and you have seen how many people he got killed, including our own sons of soil. We do give a damn and it is evident from the runaways, living in our land and milking us.
We believe that you are the greatest thug who is trying to fool people
and we are also happy to note that nobody knows you on the ground.
Israel is our friend. When a friend commits blunders and misbehaves, we must tell our friend to behave. We are sure your friends would do the same to you, when you misbehave. Perhaps, you do not know that many of our Jewish friends are anti-Zionists. Your letter sounds like it was written by some Jewish friend of yours.
Muslims hate Adolf Hitler and so do we. Our President has lived with Muslims and knows well that Muslims hate Hitler. Your Big Lie has not convinced anyone. We have read your lies and our decent and honorable citizens have already taken you to task for your silly and useless tirade against our President.
No wonder your juvenile letter was delivered to me by the White House gardener's little daughter.
We strongly suggest that you leave Canada and go back to where you came from, if you are a decent and caring Iranian who believes in standing up for his country. Whining does not help.
Yours was a silly but funny email and thus the reason for this reply.
We hope to see you as a man of character and conviction, standing out among the protestors in Teheran and please forward a pic to the White House.
Best Regards
Last edited by BMZ on Tue 23 Jun, 2009 6:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
Tue 23 Jun, 2009 6:02 pm
AhmedBahgat Site Admin
Status: Age: 59 Faith: Islam Gender:
Zodiac: Joined: Oct 16, 2006
I was reading about the troll LCD's whining, a jerk with massive hatred in his own heart, talking to the moderators in 'report a troll', complaining that another member hijacked his thread.
That forum is only visible to logged in members, have you set up a new account at your favourite cesspit/pig-sty i.e. FFI?
BMZ wrote:
The ignoramus does not know or prefers not to know that anti-Semitism originated and spread from the Christian lands in Europe and also showed it's ugly face in America.
I was glad to see some Kafirs coming to your defence and Ixolite gave him a one weak ban.
It is so hilarious that it makes one laugh his/her ass off. lol!
Salaams, mate
Coming from someone who posted links to Stormfront as part of his refutation of the Holocaust, I believe that's a bit rich.
Wed 24 Jun, 2009 8:26 pm
Aksel_Ankersen Pawn
Status: Age: 37 Faith: Gender:
Zodiac: Joined: Jun 07, 2008
Posts: 24
Post subject:
BMZ wrote:
Dear all,
Here is the reply to Ali Sina's email addressed to President Obama. The reply was sent by the President's barber, which is self-explanatory and is appended below for everyone's reading pleasure.
The barber has assured me that the reply can be posted on any website, freely.
Did Obama's Barber really write this? This line:
We deal with real folks but we do not listen to and deal with fictitious cyber characters, wearing Burqas, hiding behind veils and sitting in closets.
Sounds like something you would write BMZ.
What's your source?
Wed 24 Jun, 2009 8:29 pm
Rigel Pawn
Joined: Aug 17, 2007
Posts: 110
Post subject:
Aksel_Ankersen wrote:
BMZ wrote:
Dear all,
Here is the reply to Ali Sina's email addressed to President Obama. The reply was sent by the President's barber, which is self-explanatory and is appended below for everyone's reading pleasure.
The barber has assured me that the reply can be posted on any website, freely.
Did Obama's Barber really write this? This line:
We deal with real folks but we do not listen to and deal with fictitious cyber characters, wearing Burqas, hiding behind veils and sitting in closets.
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