I was reading about the troll LCD's whining, a jerk with massive hatred in his own heart, talking to the moderators in 'report a troll', complaining that another member hijacked his thread.
That forum is only visible to logged in members, have you set up a new account at your favourite cesspit/pig-sty i.e. FFI?
BMZ wrote:
The ignoramus does not know or prefers not to know that anti-Semitism originated and spread from the Christian lands in Europe and also showed it's ugly face in America.
I was glad to see some Kafirs coming to your defence and Ixolite gave him a one weak ban.
It is so hilarious that it makes one laugh his/her ass off. lol!
Salaams, mate
Coming from someone who posted links to Stormfront as part of his refutation of the Holocaust, I believe that's a bit rich.
I have plenty of friends in London and I have two of them registered at FFI. I use their ID to read material which is not visible to passersby.
Neither of them writes on the FFI cesspool and nor do I write. However, I do read. Any objection?
Talking against the wrong-doings of Israel and not accepting the word Holocaust, does not make me or anyone an anti-Semitic, Aksel.
What the bastard Hitler and Nazi Germany did was wrong. Thank God, the fucking Nazi Germany was not a Muslim empire.
Also, not accepting the uproven and unsubstantiated figure of six million killed, does not make anyone an anti-Semitic.
If that is the measure then I must say that 70% of America and the EU is anti-Semitic, because the dispute on numbers comes from them. Even members of the Vatican are in reality anti-Semitic, if you know what I mean.
If I say that Nethanyahu is an idiot, it does not show that I am anti-Semitic.
Is Stormfront an Islamic site? lol! All the info comes from Western sources. They have done the research, not the Muslims. Did a Muslim open fire at the Museum recently?
Wed 24 Jun, 2009 9:50 pm
BMZ Moderator
Status: Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Post subject:
Rigel wrote:
Aksel_Ankersen wrote:
BMZ wrote:
Dear all,
Here is the reply to Ali Sina's email addressed to President Obama. The reply was sent by the President's barber, which is self-explanatory and is appended below for everyone's reading pleasure.
The barber has assured me that the reply can be posted on any website, freely.
Did Obama's Barber really write this? This line:
We deal with real folks but we do not listen to and deal with fictitious cyber characters, wearing Burqas, hiding behind veils and sitting in closets.
Status: Age: 37 Faith: Gender:
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Post subject: Re: HATEBAG LCD OF FFI:
BMZ wrote:
Also, not accepting the uproven and unsubstantiated figure of six million killed, does not make anyone an anti-Semitic.
Perhaps not, but giving credit to the writing of the posters on an obvious Jew-hate-site like Stormfront is anti Semitic. If I tout the opinions of Ali Sina does that make me an anti-Islamic?
Wed 24 Jun, 2009 10:00 pm
Aksel_Ankersen Pawn
Status: Age: 37 Faith: Gender:
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Post subject:
BMZ wrote:
Rigel wrote:
Aksel_Ankersen wrote:
BMZ wrote:
Dear all,
Here is the reply to Ali Sina's email addressed to President Obama. The reply was sent by the President's barber, which is self-explanatory and is appended below for everyone's reading pleasure.
The barber has assured me that the reply can be posted on any website, freely.
Did Obama's Barber really write this? This line:
We deal with real folks but we do not listen to and deal with fictitious cyber characters, wearing Burqas, hiding behind veils and sitting in closets.
That link only shows Ali's original letter, and googling the "Barber's response" text reveals nothing.
So, what's your source?
Last edited by Aksel_Ankersen on Wed 24 Jun, 2009 10:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
Wed 24 Jun, 2009 10:01 pm
BMZ Moderator
Status: Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Post subject:
Aksel_Ankersen wrote:
BMZ wrote:
Dear all,
Here is the reply to Ali Sina's email addressed to President Obama. The reply was sent by the President's barber, which is self-explanatory and is appended below for everyone's reading pleasure.
The barber has assured me that the reply can be posted on any website, freely.
Did Obama's Barber really write this? This line:
We deal with real folks but we do not listen to and deal with fictitious cyber characters, wearing Burqas, hiding behind veils and sitting in closets.
Sounds like something you would write BMZ.
What's your source?
Aksel, Aksel
I thought you had a good sense of humour. Chill out, mate.
Even the Presidential Barber would not care to respond to Ali Sina's idiotic mail.
It was just plain fun, mate. Ali Sina writes so much junk and stuff and I thought it would be fun to do this for the clown. Please let the FFI goons know that I wrote it, not the Presidential barber.
Ali Sina is notoriously famous for writing emails to himself and answers himself under various accounts.
Did you enjoy that?
Wed 24 Jun, 2009 10:01 pm
Aksel_Ankersen Pawn
Status: Age: 37 Faith: Gender:
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Posts: 24
Post subject:
BMZ wrote:
Aksel_Ankersen wrote:
BMZ wrote:
Dear all,
Here is the reply to Ali Sina's email addressed to President Obama. The reply was sent by the President's barber, which is self-explanatory and is appended below for everyone's reading pleasure.
The barber has assured me that the reply can be posted on any website, freely.
Did Obama's Barber really write this? This line:
We deal with real folks but we do not listen to and deal with fictitious cyber characters, wearing Burqas, hiding behind veils and sitting in closets.
Sounds like something you would write BMZ.
What's your source?
Aksel, Aksel
I thought you had a good sense of humour. Chill out, mate.
Even the Presidential Barber would not care to respond to Ali Sina's idiotic mail.
It was just plain fun, mate. Ali Sina writes so much junk and stuff and I thought it would be fun to do this for the clown. Please let the FFI goons know that I wrote it, not the Presidential barber.
Ali Sina is notoriously famous for writing emails to himself and answers himself under various accounts.
Did you enjoy that?
Ok thanks, it was a pretty funny letter.
Wed 24 Jun, 2009 10:03 pm
BMZ Moderator
Status: Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Posts: 614
Post subject: Re: HATEBAG LCD OF FFI:
Aksel_Ankersen wrote:
BMZ wrote:
Also, not accepting the uproven and unsubstantiated figure of six million killed, does not make anyone an anti-Semitic.
Perhaps not, but giving credit to the writing of the posters on an obvious Jew-hate-site like Stormfront is anti Semitic. If I tout the opinions of Ali Sina does that make me an anti-Islamic?
I have never given credit to any Jew-hate-site. By the way, could you please let me know when and where did I quote any link from Stormfront?
Ali Sina is a confirmed Islam-hater and badmouths Islam, Allah, Prophet, Muslims and Qur'aan. So, if you tout him, It would make you anti-Islamic.
Muslims, on the other hand, only differ on the figures and the awarded name. Muslims do not deny that Jews were killed by the Nazis.
Wed 24 Jun, 2009 10:12 pm
BMZ Moderator
Status: Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Post subject:
Aksel_Ankersen wrote:
BMZ wrote:
Aksel_Ankersen wrote:
BMZ wrote:
Dear all,
Here is the reply to Ali Sina's email addressed to President Obama. The reply was sent by the President's barber, which is self-explanatory and is appended below for everyone's reading pleasure.
The barber has assured me that the reply can be posted on any website, freely.
Did Obama's Barber really write this? This line:
We deal with real folks but we do not listen to and deal with fictitious cyber characters, wearing Burqas, hiding behind veils and sitting in closets.
Sounds like something you would write BMZ.
What's your source?
Aksel, Aksel
I thought you had a good sense of humour. Chill out, mate.
Even the Presidential Barber would not care to respond to Ali Sina's idiotic mail.
It was just plain fun, mate. Ali Sina writes so much junk and stuff and I thought it would be fun to do this for the clown. Please let the FFI goons know that I wrote it, not the Presidential barber.
Ali Sina is notoriously famous for writing emails to himself and answers himself under various accounts.
Did you enjoy that?
Ok thanks, it was a pretty funny letter.
Thanks, Aksel.
This gives me an idea. I will come up with another on 1st April next year.
Wed 24 Jun, 2009 10:14 pm
BMZ Moderator
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Post subject: Ahmed, who is this silly goon expozIslam?
Re: Rajesh vs. Ahmed Bahgat
Postby expozIslam �??????�?????�????�???�??�?�» Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:04 pm
"Even if AB wishes to, he cannot because he is known publicly and if he apostates, we know what is going to happen. So he has no choice but continue to appear dumb.
Is he looking for your attention?
Thu 25 Jun, 2009 12:57 am
BMZ Moderator
Status: Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Posts: 614
It is quite common these days to see FFI goons and others like Sam Shamoun, Robert Spencer, Abul Kasem talking about alleged contradictions in the verses of Qur'aan and these freaks do it through various translations in English, simply because not one of these goons really understands Arabic.
I don't know how these freaks ever passed their examination in English literature.
Recently, I have noticed a new goon, who is a Hindu and points out contradictions by giving the verse numbers and challenges others to debate. Roflmao! This is how he does:
Quran claims in 4:82 that had it not been the Book of God, there would have been a lot of contradictions in it. And there are contradictions in it. Read the following verses in contrast:
41:11 vs. 21:30
54:19 vs. 69:6 and 69:7
42:31 vs. 5:55 and 9:71
45:14 and 109:6 vs. 9:5 and 9:29
52:35 vs. 19:9 and 19:67
57:22 vs. 53:39, 44:3 and 44:4
63:5 vs. 4:107
69:35 and 69:37 vs. 37:62 to 37:66
So Quran is proving itself to be NOT FROM GOD.
Waiting for your kind response,
Your well-wisher
Rajesh Kumar
He has then to wait and wait for a reply, which is not going to come, because the Muslim immediately knows that FFI's Rajesh Kumar does not even write what the contradiction did he find. And the emails will have to be accepted by his mentor and teacher Ali Sina.
And then there are other goons on FFI and other polemic sites, who keep on trying to argue on canopy, sky and tent. Roflmao, how did they make it past Grade 5? Beats me.
Thu 25 Jun, 2009 2:42 am
AhmedBahgat Site Admin
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Post subject:
Aksel_Ankersen wrote:
Ok thanks, it was a pretty funny letter.
Your banning on FFI was unjustified,
If they will ban those who call others peadophile, then they should also ban those who call the Muslims paedophile worshippers, or what do you think?
Status: Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Post subject:
AhmedBahgat wrote:
Aksel_Ankersen wrote:
Ok thanks, it was a pretty funny letter.
Your banning on FFI was unjustified,
If they will ban those who call others peadophile, then they should also ban those who call the Muslims paedophile worshippers, or what do you think?
I am really surprised to read that Aksel was banned. It was not justified at all.
If FFI moderators and the site owners have any conscience, they should ban their own filthy site.
Most of the epileptic and megalomaniac posters at FFI, Faithfreedom International of Ali Sina are foaming at the mouth and pouring filth which is not supposed to be allowed at all on an international forum.
However, FFI is not a site for any serious discussion. It is like a bar, where hooligans and fucked up minds are letting out filth.
You will not believe me but I must say that even many of the famous apostates have written to me in their personal emails that they despise Ali Sina and his site Faith Freedom International (FFI). I am sorry I cannot disclose the names.
The FFI degenerates can never respect a person like Aksel Ankersen, who is a young man of substance and has a noble soul, while most of the FFI members are people of no substance.
The FFI cesspool is going down the drain and FFI members will bury it.
Thu 25 Jun, 2009 11:49 am
Aksel_Ankersen Pawn
Status: Age: 37 Faith: Gender:
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Posts: 24
Post subject:
AhmedBahgat wrote:
Aksel_Ankersen wrote:
Ok thanks, it was a pretty funny letter.
Your banning on FFI was unjustified,
If they will ban those who call others peadophile, then they should also ban those who call the Muslims paedophile worshippers, or what do you think?
Probably, but that would defeat the purpose of the site.
Also, even in a legal sense Group Libel (hate speech) is less likely to have repercussions than libeling a specific person. Ali Sina has been libelling Obama for perhaps 12 months now, but President Obama is yet to notice.
BMZ wrote:
a person like Aksel Ankersen, who is a young man of substance and has a noble soul
Ah, you're too kind BMZ... I'm no better than an average man off the street, or forum.
Besides, they only gave me a temporary ban.
Fri 26 Jun, 2009 12:02 am
BMZ Moderator
Status: Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Post subject:
Aksel_Ankersen wrote:
Ali Sina has been libelling Obama for perhaps 12 months now, but President Obama is yet to notice.
Ali Sina can libel Obama throughout his term and he will not notice, Aksel.
Obama may notice Maryam Namzie but definitely not Ali Sina, whom not many know on the ground.
Even if someone brings Ali Sina's tirade against him to his notice, Obama will laugh off this internet closet dweller. lol!
For libel and slander suits, it has to be a real person, who exists by that name. Ali Sina is the man's nickname and he calls himself Dr. Ali Sina. No University will grant a Ph.D under a nickname.
I did ask a lot of my friends and believe me, those educated folks had not even heard his name.
Good night
Fri 26 Jun, 2009 12:26 am
BMZ Moderator
Status: Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Posts: 614
I have told Ahmed to get me some nice emoticons. I needed one Roflmao here right now.
There is a poster at FFI, who goes by the name Rajesh Kumar aka letstalk and claims to be a student of Ali Sina. lol!
On Ixolite's site, skynightblaze wrote in response to my post, see here:
Reply to the questions that Rajesh asked. Tell us how many days were the people of AD destroyed? 1 or 7-8 days.
Crap comments have been removed from the quote.
It shows me how ignorant are the FFI posters, who can't even understand and comprehend a simple translation. These "Contradiction" morons can see clearly that the punishment by wind-blasting lasted for seven nights and eight days continuously.
Now FFI goons and Rajesh Kumar will add them and come up with 15 days. Roflmao. I don't know who told Rajesh Kumar that there was a contradiction whether it lasted one day or 7-8 days?
Qur'aan only says the punishment lasted seven nights and eight days. I can assure the readers that FFI goons will not even be able to understand this line, emboldened by me. lol!
I have told skynightblaze to call Rajesh here or at Ixolite's site.
Their insanity knows no bounds.
First, they cannot read and understand translations in English and second the morons cannot even define the contradiction.
@ Aksel
Please do not feel offended by the word goons and freaks, which I use for FFI freaks. I do not count you as one.
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